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Our Cuisine

Enjoy a Catalan cuisine with a personal touch, featuring dishes that highlight authentic flavors and culinary creativity with every bite.

We work with fresh, high-quality ingredients to offer you an unparalleled gastronomic experience. The menu is dictated by the season.

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Fork Breakfasts

Start your day with our irresistible breakfasts, where you can enjoy a variety of delicious dishes prepared with care.

9:00 a 13:00 

*Thursday and Friday we open at 10:00

Breakfast Menu

Exquisite food

Indulge in our selection of meals, where you'll find sophisticated dishes that blend culinary tradition with a creative twist.

1:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Thursday and Friday dinners from 20:30 to 22:30


Wine Selection

Discover our selection of wines, which will perfectly complement the meals and enhance your gastronomic experience.

 Wine Menu

CanMarLau Brilla!


Veur més

Don't let them tell you! Find us at CanMarLau, your gastronomic destination in Barcelona

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